Rebecca Hein

Rebecca Hein, assistant editor of, is the author of more than 100 published articles and essays, in journals as diverse as The Writer, the CAG Quarterly (California Association for the Gifted), and the American Reporter online. She is the former principal cellist of the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra and wrote arts columns for the Casper Star-Tribune from 2000-2006. She blogs about the connection between music and writing at, and about the special needs of gifted children at

“I got a letter today,” Cecilia Hennel noted in her diary in 1911, “from someone who signed himself John Hendricks, asking me if I would consider a proposal of marriage from him. . . . I should like to know who he is, and how he got my name . . . [he must be] somebody pretty ‘fresh.’”

Jenna Baumgart

In the 1990s, Jenna Baumgart served the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra as principal viola, personnel manager and music librarian. She was responsible for locating and hiring import musicians, and making sure they got paid.

Amy Cowell

Amy Cowell played cello in the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra in the 1990s when in high school. She now plays regularly as an import musician, commuting from Laramie, Wyoming.

Richard Turner

Richard Turner was principal bassoon with the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra starting in 1996, and is still in the orchestra. The symphony featured him as a local soloist in spring 1999, when he performed the Mozart Bassoon Concerto.

Holly Turner

Holly Turner, a fund-raising fireball, was executive director in the 1990s. She implemented the Dream Home project, which involved a substantial proportion of Casper’s business community. Dream Home netted the symphony about $130,000, a new precedent in fundraising.

Carolyn Deuel

Carolyn Deuel played every percussion instrument except tympani, in the Casper and Wyoming Symphony Orchestras, from 1976 through the present. Her specialty is mallet percussion.