Jim Geringer
Jim Geringer was born in Wheatland, Wyoming on April 24, 1944. He was raised on the family farm and graduated from Wheatland High School. Jim earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kansas State University in 1967. During the same year he married Sherri and was commissioned as an officer in the Air Force, assigned to space development programs in California. In 1977 Jim chose to give up a promising career in the Air Force to take up farming and raise his family in Wyoming. After a stint at the Missouri Basin Power Project's Laramie River Station from 1977 to 1979, he went into farming and cattle feeding full time. By 1984 the Geringers had purchased their own farm. Jim has participated in community service organizations such as the Farm Bureau, Farmer's Union, Rotary, Lions, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, National Federation of Independent Business, Chamber of Commerce, and the American Legion. He also continued his military service, receiving several reserve commission assignments. The Geringers are also active members of the Lutheran Church. Jim was first elected to the Wyoming Legislature in 1982, and served six years in each house before taking office as Governor of Wyoming in 1995. Governor Geringer was chairman of the Western Governors' Association and the Education Commission of the States. He also served on John Glenn's National Commission on Mathematics and Science Teaching for the 21st Century, the National Commission on Service-Learning, and on the Goals 2000 panel.
Term as Governor: Monday, January 02, 1995 - Monday, January 06, 2003