Visiting Fetterman Fight Site

Near Fort Phil Kearny in December 1866 in what’s now northern Wyoming, Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors ambushed and killed Capt. William Fetterman and his entire command of 80 men. Fetterman’s arrogance has long been blamed for the disaster, but new evidence shows a more complex and interesting story.

For info and mapped directions on how to visit the Fetterman Battlefield and seven other Indian Wars sites in Wyoming, visit and download the QR-coded brochure, “Travel Wyoming’s Indian Wars Sites with”

To hear three minutes of audio information about each of the sites, smartphone and tablet users can download the free app, TravelStorysGPS at, go to the Indian Wars tour, and find three minutes of audio information about each of eight historic sites from Fort Laramie to the Connor Battlefield north of Sheridan.

Here are some questions to raise during the bus ride:

  • Make a list of the animals seen along the way, both domestic and wild.  Which ones would benefit trail travelers, and which ones would be a hindrance? Which were of the most importance to the Indians in the region?
  • Where is the Bozeman Trail? When was it built? Why was it built?
  • Where is the Powder River Basin located? Why was this area important during the 1860s and 1870s?
  • Where did the Fetterman Fight occur? Where was the nearest fort and what was its name?

Arriving at the site of the Fetterman Fight:

  • What do you see when you look at the location where this fight took place? Why is the landscape important to this fight?
  • How was this fight important in Red Cloud’s War?
  • What duties were Capt. Fetterman and his troops supposed to be tending that day? Was this unusual or routine? How many men were with him?
  • Who else was involved in the battle? Name the tribes. How many warriors were there?
  • Why did the fight happen? How long did it last?
  • Was anyone killed?
  • How many miles away from Fort Phil Kearny did this fight occur?
  • What happened to the commander of Fort Phil Kearny, Col. Henry B. Carrington, after the battle?

Back in the classroom after the visit:

  • Different accounts of this battle give differing opinions about whether Fetterman was a brash, disobedient officer or whether he followed Carrington’s orders that day. How did the confusion arise? Which opinion do you think is correct and why?
  • Who was Lt. George Grummond? What role might he have had in the conflict?
  • Write a story from Fetterman’s perspective. Write one from the point of view of Crazy Horse.